To Contact Board Members or the POA: call 579-2044 or e-mail at
Joe Watts – President, John Csernecky – Vice President, Kerry Jarrell – Treasurer, Sue Hensler– Secretary,
Kelly Wilson – Director, Al Franklin – Director, Diana Mardall – Director, Carol Davis – Director
Merrilee Burns – Co-Editor Linda Rugg – Co-Editor
Bulletin email:
CSPOA website:
Office Hours: Monday through Friday - 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon
Message from the Board – Joe Watts, President
Please be advised that our Annual Budget Meeting in November will not take place this year. The Governor has extended the current phase for three (3) additional weeks. We are still limited to only 25 people in our clubhouse. The budget for 2021 is enclosed and was presented in our October meeting. It can be discussed in our November and December meetings and will be voted on in the December meeting. Ample opportunity exists for our members to review and speak on the proposed budget. There is no increase in dues for 2021. Our November Board meeting will be November 11 at the pavilion.
The Carolinas Bay project is still underway. The latest update is that the nine (9) original concepts have been reduced to five (5), which consists of concepts 1,2,4,7, and 8. In addition, two (2) new options were added, 1A and 4A, which are modifications from the original 1 and 4 concepts. Crow Creek and Ocean Ridge are supporting concepts 1A and 4A, which follows a new route west of Hwy. 17 and ends on Hwy. 130 in Shallotte. These concepts 1A and 4A are the most advantageous to our neighborhood too, as traffic on Hwy. 17 around Carolina Shores would be reduced and neighborhoods along Hwy. 17 would remain intact. Concept 8 is the one that is devastating to Northwest Dr. You can google Carolinas Bays Parkway Extension –NCDOT and click on NCDOT online engagement platform to review the maps, post your comments and preferences. Please do so quickly. Thank You!
November 11, 2020 at 9:30 a.m. – MONTHLY BOARD MEETING AT THE PAVILION
Please remember to notify the office if you change your phone number, email address, name, or mailing address. It is extremely easy to overlook this, but difficult for the office should we need to contact you. Thank you.
Recreation Facilities – Kelly Wilson
The pavilion is becoming the activity spot within our community. We welcome our members as they use and enjoy this amenity. We have had many groups wanting to use and reserve the pavilion for various functions this past month.
It has been decided that while the clubhouse is still closed, we will be using the monthly calendar showing groups and clubs using the pavilion with dates and times. It will also show names of members that have reserved the pavilion. We ask as always that all rules be followed when using the pavilion. All rules are available on the website along with reservation forms.
With the cooler temperatures arriving, the use of the fire pit is available to members at the pavilion. A reservation form will be needed to be filled out as it also does for use of the gas grills.
The POA is requiring any group or club at the pavilion having functions of more than 25/30 persons have a sign-in sheet and be kept for possible tracing information if needed. We also ask that groups be no more than the 50-person max and social distancing be kept along with mask wearing.
The pool season will officially be over October 31. Furniture will be stowed for the winter and preparations will shortly begin for next year’s opening. We hope most were able to enjoy the pool under these trying and unprecedented times and hope we will be back to normal next season where family and friends can also enjoy the summer with us.
Bathrooms over at the recreation area will remain open and cleaned daily in the mornings. These will remain open for tennis/pickle ball, boccie ball and pavilion users. Card keys and fobs will be required for access to the bathrooms. We will keep these open until further notice.
NOVEMBER IS BUDGET MONTH – Kerry Jarrell, Treasurer
This year’s budget process began in September with the various CSPOA committees, board members and staff submitting funding requests for 2021 to the Finance and Audit Committee. The Committee assimilated those requests and submitted the first draft of the budget for 2021 to the Board of Directors at the October board meeting.
Under normal circumstances, a community members’ meeting would be held at the clubhouse in early November to go over the proposed budget. Unfortunately, that meeting will not be possible this year; however, the proposed 2021 budget is included in the November CSPOA Bulletin.
The budget contains two components, an operating budget, which funds the routine expenses for the clubhouse, pool, tennis courts, office, etc., and a reserve budget, which funds the annual contribution to the facility repair/replacement reserve. It goes without saying that 2020 has not been a typical year. With the clubhouse closed for much of the year and social/recreational activities greatly curtailed, expenses for those budget categories were less than expected; however, expenses in the remaining budget categories were fairly typical. The budget for 2021 was built on the expectation that next year will be a return to normal operations.
Under this proposed budget for 2021, member dues would remain unchanged. Members are encouraged to review the budget and refer any questions or concerns to the office.
ACC Corner – Joe Martere, ACC Chairperson
This month remember to remove your political sign by 11/11/2020 as required by state and federal guidelines. The ACC will do a drive by the week of 11/11 and ensure that all signs/flags/banners are removed.
Again, it is time to restate that ALL trees require prior approval from the ACC before being cut. Any trimming of branches or emergency storm damage that immediately will impact your home or other structures do not need a permit. An emergency is defined as “an unforeseen combination of circumstances or the resulting state that calls for immediate action”. Please comply because these trees help protect us and our neighbors during hurricanes or flooding.
A permit and ACC approval are also necessary for ANY alteration/addition made to your home. Repairs or SPOT touch up painting of the same color is exempt. If you are unsure if approval is needed, please call the ACC office at 579-2044 and check.
Stay safe, wear a mask, wash hands frequently, and keep your distance.
Would you like to
Give Thanks with Our
Neighbors in Need this year?
The Lords Food Pantry, a ministry of the South Brunswick Interchurch Council, is working to provide a complete Thanksgiving Dinner Box to 150 area families this season.
For $20 you will provide
12-14 pound turkey two 14.5oz cans of corn
two 14.5oz cans of green beans one 14.5oz can cranberry jelly
two 14.5oz cans turkey gravy one 29oz can sweet potatoes
one box stuffing one dozen dinner rolls one 9”pumpkin pie
Contact Mary Pritchard 579-4684 or POA office
Craft Fair– Mary Timothy
The annual Carolina
Shores Craft Sale will be held at the Pavilion this year. It will be on the
Saturday (November 28, 2020) after Thanksgiving. Shopping will commence between
9:00 a.m. and noon. Get a head start on the Holiday shopping. There is
something for everyone.
Tennis News – Bob Anthony
Open tennis is now starting at 9:00 a.m. every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Just show up with the proper equipment and you will get to play. Hope to see you out there.
Low Impact Chair Aerobics – Mary Timothy
It is time for chair
aerobics to begin. Class will be starting Thursday, October 1. We will be
exercising Monday through Saturday at 10:00 a.m. at the pavilion. You will need
to bring a folding chair, weights and a bottle of water. Wear layers of clothing
to be prepared. No class if it rains. Hope to see everyone there.
Garden Club – Mary Conover
We had an exciting meeting on Wednesday, October 14, with Matthew Bookout from the Ocean Isle Museum as our guest speaker, and his "Snakes Alive" program. Matthew brought many of his "friends" and shared his knowledge of not only local snakes, but also some other very interesting ones, such as the albino python.
Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 11, at 1:00 p.m. at the Carolina Shores pavilion. Our guest speaker will be Wanda Maggart, Master Gardener, as she shares "Fall Gardening Tasks."
Saturday, November 21, between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. is our annual Soup and Bake Sale. This year it will be "take out" only and will be held at the pavilion. We will have the usual assortment of fantastic homemade soups, as well as an assortment of homemade baked goodies. Masks and social distancing are encouraged. We still need more soup makers. If you are able to contribute a ‘crock pot’ of soup, please contact Linda at 910-575-0634 or email at Thank you.
Our annual holiday luncheon will be held on Wednesday, December 9, at the Parson's Table. Tickets are $21.50 and are available to members only.
The CS Garden Club meets the second Wednesday of each month, September to May. Dues are $10/year. The pavilion is located at the Carolina Shores Recreation Area, next to the Pool. Please contact Joanne Bendy at (910) 575-0071 if you have any questions. Meanwhile, stay safe and healthy!
Knit ‘n Natter – Diana Mardall
Our knitting group is meeting at the pavilion until the POA clubhouse is
open. The meetings for November will be on the 9th and 23rd
at 6:30 p.m.
If you have any questions, email me at or call me at 910-575-7804.
Book Discussion Group – Pat McKay
The monthly meeting of the Carolina Shores Book Discussion Group was held with 'social distancing' at our community pavilion on Friday, October 16, 2020, at 10:00 a.m.
Our alternative format for this meeting had each of us reading either a different classic or a book we always wanted to read. Each of the thirteen members present explained why they chose their particular book, gave some information about the author, and a brief synopsis of their choice. There were a wide variety of authors chosen with only two members choosing both the same author and book! Some members reread a book they had read as a young person and how their life experiences gave them a whole different perspective while reading it the second time around! After all presentations were made, the general consensus was that we all really liked and were enriched by this new format. After thanking member Barbara Hutton who suggested it, we voted to devote one month next year to repeating it!
On the third Friday, November 20, we will be discussing "Little Fires Everywhere" by Celeste Ng. Please feel free to join us! We will be meeting at the pavilion again unless notified of a different location.
Care Team – Beverly Rowse
The Care Team now has twenty-three (23)
people available to help neighbors in need when a request comes to me. If you
want to be a part of this team or if you no longer want to be on the list,
please let me know. When a call for help comes to me, I reach out to the
members on NextDoor. I don't get very many calls for help, but people are so
very grateful for the assistance they get! It really doesn't take much to
volunteer. Help with a small chore at home, an occasional ride, a temporary
need for dog walking, etc. is usually what is needed.
So, neighbors, continue to let me know if you need help and I'll do my best to find someone. You don't have to be on NextDoor to request help. You can call me at 919-271-3005
New Neighbors – Flo Pflaster, Margie Pettersen and Charlotte Csernecky
Name: John Duke and Lisa Avellan
Address: 41 Bayberry Circle
Phone: 908-581-5911 (John) 201-739-0479 (Lisa)
Lisa and John moved here in June with their cat, Kato, from Bergenfield, NJ. They had vacationed in this area and decided to make it their permanent home. The couple met when they were in 2nd grade and became friends. Life got in the way and they both had separate lives until they reunited many years later and have now been together since 2017. They are engaged and plan on marrying when this pandemic is over, and they can have their families together to celebrate. Lisa worked as a manager in an accounting firm (KPMG) in NJ and John was an administrator for the NJ Dept. of Transportation. They both love the beach and may take up golf after an absence of many years. John is hoping to get his fishing license. They are thrilled to be here in their new community and are looking forward to meeting new people.
Name: John & Johnene Lenkey
Address: 10 Cleek Court
Phone: 330-727-9644/330-831-0008
The Lenkeys originally lived in Ohio, but have lived in our area, relocating
here most recently from Calabash Lakes. John retired from Ohio State police as
a Post Commander, but now is working as a manager at Pinnacle Storage in Little
River. Johnene worked most of her adult life in retail sales as the manager of
the cosmetic and fragrance departments in stores such as Nordstrom, and
Bergoff-Goodman in New York and New Jersey. She currently works full-time at
Island Breeze in Sunset Beach. She likes to read, decorate, cook, and bake.
Together they enjoy the outdoors, walking the beach, going out to dinner, and
just enjoying life and each other’s company. They have five adult children and three
Name: David and Lorinda Saranich
Address: 4 West Pine Ct.
Phone: 704-621 -5711
David and Lorinda moved from Charlotte, N.C.,
having always loved the area. David is a retired IT specialist and Lorinda is a
retired master floral designer. They have two children, a granddaughter and a
cat named Zuli. David likes to fish and do woodwork while Lorinda loves
music, travel and the beach.
Name: Joseph and Barbara Gillian
Address: 37 Swamp Fox Dr.
Phone: 781-801-0059
Barbara and Joe hale from Marshfield Mass. They moved here because of her sister and it is closer to their children. Joe retired from the Post Office and Barbara from the phone company. They have two daughters, five grandchildren and Jasmine their dog. They both look forward to going to the beach and getting their home in shape.
Name: Luis and Anne Machaco
Address: 30 Gate 3
Phone: 480-201-5124
Luis and Anne moved here from Hunterville, N.C. Luis worked for D R Horton and Anne was an accountant. They have four children, two granddaughters and a shepherd named Bonnie. They are looking forward to renovating and decorating their new home.
Name: Dave and Kelly Barkley
Address: 74 Calabash Dr.
Phone: 919-624-0704
Dave and Kelly moved here in August with their rescue dog, Haven, who is a Havanese mix. They are from Cary, NC and vacationed in Sunset Beach for fifteen years. So, when an opportunity came up to purchase this home, they did that! They have two grown sons, one in Chapel Hill and one in Virginia. Dave is an independent contractor who does computer integration. He plays a little golf and softball. Kelly is unemployed and enjoying staying home at this time. They are looking forward to enjoying their new community here.
Please be aware that during the Pandemic, all visits will be done with social distancing and masks or by phone.
If you recently purchased a home in Carolina Shores and have not been greeted by the Welcoming Committee, please contact Flo at 575-6243 or
In Memoriam
Sales and Services
DISCLAIMER: The CSPOA assumes no responsibility for the services provided in the following ads. It is the customers’ responsibility to find out if the service provider is BONDED AND/OR INSURED.
Remember…..Conover Cares! |
“For Sale” ads must be renewed by the 20th of every month to appear in the the following month’s bulletin. Business ads must be renewed every three months as follows: by the 20th of May for June, July and August bulletins; by the 20th of August for September, October and November bulletins; by the 20th of November for December, January and February bulletins; and 20th of February for March, April and May bulletins. |
Pavilion Calendar for November |
Sunday |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
2 Chair Aerobics Mary Timothy 10-11 a.m. |
3 Chair Aerobics Mary Timothy 10-11 a.m. |
4 Chair Aerobics Mary Timothy 10-11 a.m. |
5 Chair Aerobics Mary Timothy 10-11 a.m. |
6 Chair Aerobics Mary Timothy 10-11 a.m. |
7 Chair Aerobics Mary Timothy 10-11 a.m. |
9 Chair Aerobics Mary Timothy 10-11 a.m. Knit ‘n’ Knatter Diana Mardall 6:30-9 p.m. |
10 Chair Aerobics Mary Timothy 10-11 a.m. |
11 Board Meeting 9:30 a.m.-Noon Garden Club Joanne Bendy 12:30 -4 p.m. |
12 Chair Aerobics Mary Timothy 10-11 a.m. |
13 Chair Aerobics Mary Timothy 10-11 a.m.
14 Chair Aerobics Mary Timothy 10-11 a.m. |
16 Chair Aerobics Mary Timothy 10-11 a.m. |
17 Chair Aerobics Mary Timothy 10-11 a.m.
18 Chair Aerobics Mary Timothy 10-11 a.m.
19 Chair Aerobics Mary Timothy 10-11 a.m. |
20 Chair Aerobics Mary Timothy 10-11 a.m.7 Book Group Pat McKay 10 a.m.-Noon |
21 Chair Aerobics Mary Timothy 10-11 a.m. Soup & Bake Sale Joanne Bendy 11 a.m-1 p.m. |
23 Chair Aerobics Mary Timothy 10-11 a.m. Knit ‘n’ Knatter Diana Mardall 6:30-9 p.m. |
24 Chair Aerobics Mary Timothy 10-11 a.m. |
25 Chair Aerobics Mary Timothy 10-11 a.m. |
26 Chair Aerobics Mary Timothy 10-11 a.m. |
27 Chair Aerobics Mary Timothy 10-11 a.m. |
28 Chair Aerobics Mary Timothy 10-11 a.m. Craft Fair Mary Timothy 9 a.m.-noon
30 Chair Aerobics Mary Timothy 10-11 a.m. |
Recycle Center Schedule Windshield Sticker Required Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Wednesday, Saturday 7:00 a.m. – 12 noon. Closed Sundays Please note in 2020 the recycle center will close on the following days: April 10, May 25, July 3, September 7, November 11, 26, December 25. Please check the town website for adjusted hours.
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